
Understanding Revolutions, War and Peace : A View From Cliometrics and Complexity

2nd Edition (not open to the public)

Understanding Revolutions, War and Peace : A View From Cliometrics and Complexity

2nd Edition

Organized by:

Steven Durlauf (Steans Professor, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago) & Antoine Parent (University of Paris 8, OFCE – Sciences Po and Cliometrics & Complexity CAC – IXXI, Institut Rhône-Alpin des Systèmes Complexes)

This second edition of the workshop brings together social scientists, natural scientists, and historians to explore ways to model the dynamics of the French Revolution. While the French Revolution is one of the most studied events of world history, there continues to be profound scholarly disagreement on the mechanisms underlying its origins as well as the explanations for its dynamics. Scholars still debate the roles of material factors versus ideology as well the extent to which the Revolution was inevitable or a function of chance.  In this conference, we present the first drafts of former presentations last June 2022, exploring formal modelling frameworks to understand the French Revolution, and by extension, revolutions in general. All the 7 articles presented at this 2nd workshop consider nonlinear systems models that can produce ruptures such as a revolutions as a language for formal theorizing. A key feature of such models is the ability to link them to data. Articles at the workshop will explore a range of dimensions of the Revolution, with a common methodological commitment to integration of social and economic approaches into formal frameworks.

No registration possible, meeting closed to the public.


University of Chicago, Center in Paris - 6 rue Thomas Mann - 75013 Paris